Frequently Asked Questions

What Finishes Are Available For Natural Stone?

Natural stones are available in a variety of finishes. Certain finishes may suit different types of stone and different environments better than others. The most common finishes are Polished, Honed, and Leathered, but there are many others. Most natural stones can be refinished from their original finish to a different one, too – all you have to do is ask!
POLISHED: For a long time, Polished finishes were the most popular finish for countertops. This finish features a high gloss, mirror-like surface that is easy to clean and maintain. The shiny surface helps to brighten a room by reflecting natural light, making it ideal for smaller spaces. The color of a Polished countertop often looks richer and darker than other finishes.
LEATHERED: Sometimes called Brushed, a Leathered finish is achieved by texturing the surface of the slab with a series of diamond-tipped brushes. This wears the softer minerals away, enhancing the natural contours of the stone and leaving behind its characteristic velvet-leather texture. A Leathered countertop hides water spots and fingerprints like a dream, and is refreshingly easy to keep clean.
HONED: A Honed countertop is matte, smooth, and low-key. This is a common finish for Marble, Travertine, and Limestone countertops, as it takes easily to a wide variety of material densities and helps hide etching that can occur on more susceptible stones. Honing a slab opens up its pores more than Polishing or Leathering, so it will be quicker to show fingerprints, stains, and oils on the surface. Cleaning and sealing your countertops regularly is the best way to keep a Honed finish looking its best, however it is important to understand that a Honed countertop will acquire a patina over time.

What Finishes Are Available For Quartz?

Finishes on Quartz countertops are determined by the manufacturer. Quartz slabs are usually available in Polished and Honed (sometimes called Matte or Suede finishes) finishes. A Polished finish on a Quartz slab isn’t quite as glossy than natural stone, making it easier to keep looking clean. A Honed finish on Quartz is made by creating micro-ridges in the surface of the material, so Honed finishes can stain more easily than Polished. We cannot change the finish of Quartz slabs.

What Kinds of Edge Details Are Available?

The edge profile you choose can have a big impact on the finished aesthetic of the space. We can do just about any kind of edge detail that you can imagine… from the simplest straight polished edge to an elaborately detailed edge. Our most popular edges are Eased (sometimes called Straight or Pencil), Mitered, Crescent, Demi-Bullnose, and Chiseled (also called Broken Edge).
Not every edge is possible on every material. Talk to your salesperson about which edge profile is right for your project.

What Countertop Thicknesses Are Available?

Most natural stone and quartz slabs are available in two thicknesses: 2cm (or roughly 3/4″), and 3cm (or roughly 1-1/4″). Porcelain and ultra-compact materials can come as thin as 12mm. If you want your countertops to look thicker, we can Miter or Laminate the edges to achieve this look.